Behind the Scenes Tilta Hydra Arm Mini with Ronin R2 Tilta Hydra Alien Pro on Super 73 electric bike Love is Blind Junket-Netflix Buying Beverly Hills Friday Night Vibes-TBS 5 hour Tea Get the overhead high up to allow in more ambient light without sun shadows. Arrimax M18 and 20x20 Flyswatter 60' Translight backlit with Arrimax M18k 20x20 black silk on 80' condor Nutribullet set in black void Laowa Periscope Macro Probe 24mm Santa Clarita Stages backlot Doritos Superbowl commercial BTS with Breaking Bad's Brian Cranston and Aaron Paul. 50' Super Techno with director Paul Emami Commercial for Free Credit Score Online Allied Studios Backlot for 1 800 SELL EASY Commercial LaFawnduh Napoleon Dynamite Los Defensores downtown LA Waywest Arri Alexa Mini 1st AC Dustin Miller Skypanel S360 Drew Brees on our 360 degree camera rig 100k Softsun on condor 100k Softsun on condor This is how the big boys do it! 2022 ESPN College Football National Championship Open WWF superstar Sasha Banks stars in 2022 Espn College Football Championship Open Serena Williams with Mission Cooling Towel Dancing with the Stars NASA/JPL Mission Control for Voyager Doc Process Trailer with Key Grip Jose Martinez and Mike Bryant 1st AC Gene DuPlesis going wild on Halloween. Red Komodo on interior windshield Laowa Probe lens. So much fun! 20x20 Flyswater Solid overhead eliminates reflections in windshield 6k Par on Gator Greg Kendrick Concert Live Stream Lighting dancers with 12x12 lamay "Spydercam" lowered into street for MTV Key Grip Dave Lichtenburg on the Fisher 10 Mike Bryant on camera! Korey Waggoner with Canon camera Jose Martinez, Key Grip extraordinaire! Brian Deegan of Metal Mulisha for ESPN Watch out for flying ferries! Supertechno Drew Plotkin gives direction to Craig Barker while we shoot Drew Brees in New Orleans All the little soldiers in a row Promo for Fast N Furious Oh THAT GUY! Light, Block, Shoot Waywest RED Komodo on Ronin RS2 Dog model Squatty Potty Jack Lalanne Jamie Foxx Wolfgang Puck Super focused! Night car shoot Briese 220 It snowed in the studio! Overhead shot with mini jib Air Force Special Ops The End, Commercial Michelle Kwon, Olympic figure skater Larry King and Anderson Cooper Janet Jackson We are available 24/7! Kobe Bryant MTV Juvies Bus camera rig Tony Hawk Car mounts Baaaaaaa Legendary Key Grip, Kurt Stevens Hitchin' a ride Super Grip camera mount for driver's angle ESPN Sportsfigures Night shoot for MTV PSA for ABC Jerry Rice Lake Powell for Malibu Boats EasyRig with Serene arm Going for a ride BTS Road to the Superbowl with Peyton, Eli, Jerome, Victor and Terri I can't breath! Me pretending I know my DSLR Discussing shot with Stedicam Mercedes Disney Descendants-Bad is the New Good Chasing the sun Shooting for Malibu Boats "That was the Whiskey" Leslie Cours Mather Weaver Steadman and Probe Lens with Compact Prime for Sizzler Honda 2000is strapped to side of car 20x20 flyswater over car Arrimax 18k on condor Camtagz media tape Arri Amira with probe lens Bungy cam for handheld look My original T! There for the shoot. Thank you Richard Tibbets! Mercedes Skypanel on hoodmount Pacific Air Show in Huntington Beach Waywest camera crew on desert mountain top in Blythe Prepare Ye the Way music video Circa XL by Mega Lite Music Video-Monica "First Nigh" Hollywood dog! We do lots of beauty My flypack, switcher and paint boxes for multi camera productions Flypack and Switcher for live stream at Fox Studios Lori Greiner Squatty potty Waywest escapes fire on Disney Ranch Workout series Xtend Barre Set for Openfit Volcanic Vixen episode for NBC Sports Radius for NBC Sports Beachbody 21 Day Fix PIYO with Chalene Openfit, Yoga Daniel Plan Daniel Plan Our "Photo Booth" for the Trumpet Awards Hyundai Genesis interior shots Breise party We have cases! Jlo Beauty Element Yoga in Malibu and more beauty... Craig Barker's soft lighting gone wild! Kathy Ireland Right angle bracket for social media shooting Weaver Steadman rebuilt bigger, stronger, faster Slider upside down for tabletop shots Fisher 10, 21 arm, Rotating offset, Slider upside down My promotion to Red Cross Disaster Action Team Supervisor Foil boarding on Oahu. My true passion! When I'm not working you can find me foil boarding at San Onofre! It's the weekend! Surfing with Bethany Hamilton at Lowers! That's my girl, Lucy! My girl Lucy playing on the beach in Laguna The day my neighbor's house burned down! Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick Concert photos by Greg Kendrick MovieBird Techno mounted TCC's Kaiman Crane base